Recipe Development Team

No single person is better the combined effort of multiple minds

Jimmy Cocke

Jimmy brings wisdom to the ProVision kitchen. He holds family as most important and understands the important role food plays in bringing people together. 

"I have learned several things through cooking, but most important is to never stop trying. No one should ever give up on learning. If something isn’t right, stop, take a breath, and start over."

Basic Content

Ryan Feagin

Ryan brings a diverse cultural knowledge to the ProVision kitchen. He is a nerd at heart and strives to understand the history and stories associated with regional dishes.

"I always get a rush of excitement when I discover something new or make a big improvement to an old recipe"


Lemoyne Bennet (LJ)

LJ brings many years of commercial experience to the ProVision kitchen. He has been cooking since he was 8, where he shared the kitchen with his grandfather. Always a sponge for more, he has been soaking up knowledge and lessons to build who he is today.

"I’ve worked in many restaurants, learning new skills and combinations in each business. Each place had their own signature dishes and style. It all culminates into the cook I am today!"